o d off toyota

My Toyota Corolla's "O/D OFF" light is on. What does this mean? hi there, this light just came on this morning, and it scared me. I've had this toyota (it's an old, used, 1993 car) for about 8 months now, and that light has never bee

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  • 儀表板有個O/D OFF 警示燈 (有排檔按鈕下方小按鈕切換) 我市區都讓O/D OFF 亮起 感覺加速比較快 (50公里以下) 郊區 或高速 平均速度80-100時 O/D OF...
    Toyota - O/D OFF 警示燈的問題 - 汽車討論區 - Mobile01
  • What does the O/D-OFF light on the Toyota speedometer mean ? Add your answer Source Submit...
    what does the O/D-OFF light on the Toyota speedometer mean ? | Yahoo Answers
  • Your Overdrive is turned off. That's what that means. There is a button on the shifter...
    My Toyota Camry's "O/D OFF" light is on. What does this mean? | Yahoo Answer...
  • My Toyota Corolla's "O/D OFF" light is on. What does this mean? hi there, th...
    My Toyota Corolla's "O/D OFF" light is on. What does this mean? | Yahoo Answ...
  • What Does OVERDRIVE Button Do (O/D light Off Toyota Ford Nissan Honda Dodge Hyundai Kia Ch...
    What to do when the O/D OFF light is flashing - YouTube
  • First, the "O/D OFF" light on your dash is telling you that it's already off...
    Toyota Camry Questions - how do i turn off 'O/D-OFF' light on the Toyota Camry 200...
  • 車子TOYOTA PREMIO,平常車子發動時,或者行駛中,O/D OFF燈都是亮著的,如下圖:亮著是代表可四檔切換,適合高速行駛,還是代表限定三檔切換,適合山路行駛?另外一張圖,...
    請問O/D OFF亮著代表什麼? - MyChat 數位男女 四輪專區
  • What is O/D off on dash board? Why appears on the dash board a yellow light O/D off ? Answ...
    SOLVED: What is O/D off on dash board? - 1997-2001 Toyota Camry - iFixit
  • what does O/D off mean in a toyota corolla automatic car ??? Home Register FAQ Members Lis...
    what does O/D off mean in a toyota corolla automatic car ??? - Toyota Lexus Forum - Perfor...
  • T-100: Toyota 1995 T-100 O/D OFF light is flashing and CHeck 6/4/2015 1/1/0001 Pickup: Can...
    Toyota - Od Off - JustAnswer
  • 儀表板有個O/D OFF 警示燈(有排檔按鈕下方小按鈕切換)我市區都讓O/D OFF 亮起感覺...
    Toyota - O/D OFF 警示燈的問題- 汽車討論區- Mobile01
  • 不知有多少人在善用OD Off? 我看了各方資訊後,目前在市區或爬坡等(時常走走停停、需要較強扭力時),就會切成OD Off~ 平時上下班,幾乎有 ...
    Toyota - 有多少人在善用OD Off ?? - 汽車討論區- Mobile01
  • 請問大家一般車上若有O/D檔開關的話正確使用的方法是如何使用的呢?例如在市區是ON 或OFF...
    Toyota - 請問O/D OFF O/D ON 正確使用時機- 汽車討論區- Mobile01
  • Mitsubishi則是開發Sports-Mode手自排兩用系統,可讓駕駛決定使用那個檔位,但缺點若使用"自排"模式,無法提供OD On/Off效果,必須切換到...
    TOYOTA 美規的儀表板上O/D OFF燈是什麼意思? | Yahoo奇摩知識+
  • ... 失靈該怎麼看OD檔是開還是關~~如果OD檔是關著的~那麼儀表板上會顯示一個OD/OFF(每款車都不一樣以TOYOTA A秀為例)如果是開著的~那麼儀表版的OD/OFF&nb...
    O/D off是什麼意思?? | Yahoo奇摩知識+
  • 因為如果不使用OD檔~就不能跳到最高擋位~車子會跑不快~~~如果車子沒辦法換 ... 檔是關著的~那麼儀表板上會顯示一個OD/OFF(每款車都不一樣以TOYOTA A秀為&nbsp...
    請問汽車儀表板上面O/D off燈亮起是什麼意思| Yahoo奇摩知識+
  • O/D OFF的意思就是Over Drive OFF. (Over Drive 功能關閉) 你的自排車排在D檔時, 在正常駕駛狀況時應該會自動變換到第四檔. 這個時候齒輪比小於1 ...
    汽車儀表板顯示「O/D OFF」是什麼意思?急急急| Yahoo奇摩知識+
  • 2007年8月24日 - O/D 啟動時變速箱會在1-2-3-4檔位間變速. O/D off 時變速箱僅會在1-2-3檔位間變速,扭力較大也會較費油 排檔桿左側有一個小按鈕,按下...
    請問我車子亮起o/d off燈,這到底是什麼? | Yahoo奇摩知識+
  • OD 檔即為所謂的Over Drive 檔,俗稱"超比檔",通常是指自排車種的第4 檔或是手排車種的第5 檔,很多車款都會有這樣的設計!但新款車因為都採取無段變...
    汽車上的排檔感有一顆OD 按鈕?到底OD 檔是做什麼用的!? ON 與OFF ...
  • 請問各位前輩我車每次發動後儀表板上的O/D 燈是不會亮的要按一下超比檔按鈕O/D 燈才會亮(儀表板顯示O/D OFF) 在手冊上亮燈表示超比檔切斷 ...
    [問題] O/D OFF 指示燈? - 看板car - 批踢踢實業坊